Sunday, September 12, 2010

accelerating towards something. but i don't know what.

haven't written in months...least not online. instead i've been writing in my journal again. wish i could be consistent with both. It's been a crazy summer. feel like i've been through some stuff and come out a bit wiser but also a bit harder. on the verge of change.

The past month i've been staying in more and reading about a book every week. the weather is getting colder and fall has definately arrived.

wes was in town all week: the coast, concerts, art exhibts, games, more concerts, and camping. I feel revived and happy. erica was here last weekend as well. we rode bikes all over town and had a great time. i'm going to try harder to be a good sister. a good daughter. it's funny...but the older i get the more important family feels. i would have guessed the opposite would happen. last week was honestly the best time i've had at home since i left.

i start my new job at netflix tomorrow.
i can't fucking wait to have money. be debt free. and then buy a plane ticket.
i need to get rid of all the shit in my life that isn't useful or joyful.

the second ric mentioned that nz might be delayed i started thinking about nola again. now i'm thinking that i'll work and save money for six months and then move to nola for a few months. then nz.